Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The end of 2009~~

The year 2009 is coming to an end.

This years has been a tough one for many with the repercussion from the collapse of the banks, the uncertainties of the economy, the retrenchment, the losing of confidences in the banking and financial sector, the rebound of the property markets and the stocks etc.

Despite the tough market and the need for constant business travel, I have managed to find some time to listen to my music, source for many first edition Cds, as well as further streamlined my hifi collection and learnt more about the music that I have listened.

In addition, the year 2009 has also been a busy one with the selling of my Singapore property during the height of the property boom as well as the buying of a new property yesterday. The search has been a tough one as location, design, direction facing and convenient are major consideration.

Nevertheless, during the December month, I have also managed to take a nice holiday to Egypt followed by home leave back to Singapore and another short trip to Malacca with my family. 2009 has also been a year for the revival of my vintage watch collection~~

Enjoy the festive period and the music! Cheers from Singapore!

純音樂 -《夜闌人靜之一~二-2CD








  這裡有一首西洋古典作品,PAVANNE,老朋友DAVID PACKER改編為口琴既二胡重奏。這個組合及安排在《辛小紅》二胡已成功地嘗試過,是駕輕就熟,口琴的清脆跟二胡的憂怨是很「配親」的對比。



Home trip~~

After my Malacca trip, I was back home in Singapore busy meeting the house agent and went to law firm to confirm the purchase of my new apartment. It was truly a tiring day~~happy one too~~

In between my rushing, I have also managed to visit an old CD shop and managed to find the old CDs by the late comedian 梁醒波~~Don Mclean and an old Chinese instrument music

夜闌人靜之二 ~~

My new apartment shall be ready in the middle of the year and my porject of setting up a simple hifi room shall commence then..In the mean time, just relax..

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a belated Merry Christmas!

I have not updated my blog lately as I was busy traveling to Egypt, following which a business trip to Shanghai and then back to Singapore and Malacca for Christmas break with my family.

While in Malacca, I have managed to find an old casette and CD shop. In the shop, I was lucky to be able to find some new old stocks Nat King Cole CDs, Frank Sinatra CDs, as well as some nice classical Cds.

It was a really fun trip!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The US$2000 CD Made From Glass

The $2000 CD Made From Glass



在數位唱片製作「工藝」的世界裡,我們不得不承認Fine N&F的工程師福井末憲確實是一位「藝術家」。玻璃CD版卡拉揚指揮柏林愛樂「貝多芬第九號交響曲」(1962年版)在日月音響舉辦發表會,我們再次見識到Fine N&F堅持唱片藝術的精神與毅力。

將福井先生視為藝術家,自然有著驚人之舉。兩年前Fine N&F推出了前所未見的「玻璃CD」,原廠的專利名稱叫做「Extreme HARDGLASS CD」,內容還是標準CD 44.1 kHz的規格,但採用光學玻璃做為材料,以全手工製作,一張要價日幣98,000元,折合台幣將近3萬元。福井先生也說:「無論我走到哪一個地方,都有人跟我說玻璃CD的價格真是昂貴,但價值實際上是因人而異的。很多人說貴,但Fine N&F卻是為了唱片藝術的價值來製作玻璃CD。」


第一次見到福井末憲已經是四年前的事了,當時福井先生才剛創立Fine N&F,由代理商韻順唱片邀請前來宣傳。在創立Fine N&F,福井先生在日本Philips服務了三十年,專職錄音工程師,就在2000年前後,他開始接觸SACD的新規格,認為數位錄音技術真正有了突破性的發展,所以和好友西?義訓,一起創立了Fine N&F,以製作全世界最高品質唱片為職志。

福井說:「日本環球唱片旗下有許多著名的唱片品牌,每個月新發行的唱片專輯大約500張,但Fine N&F一年勉強可以達到2張的水準。」他笑說,這顯示Fine N&F是一家非常非常小的唱片公司,但他卻很執著於唱片製作的每一個環節。要做全世界最好的唱片發行,Fine N&F不求多,但求精。要照顧從錄音到發行的每一個細節,福井說,一年推出兩張專輯已經是非常繁重的工作量了。從2001年創業到2008年,目前Fine N&F總共只有14張專輯。

既然立志做全世界最好的唱片,Fine N&F自然選擇SACD作為主要發行的規格。回想當年,福井說他們是第一家研究出Hybrid SACD的唱片公司,後來大唱片公司發現,Hybrid SACD可以兼容傳統CD,是打開SACD市場的好辦法,所以群起效尤。

演奏廳直接錄音 捕捉空間自然殘響

福井手上拿的長岡京室內樂團在京都的現場演出CD,便是Fine N&F推出的第一張專輯。
Fine N&F這第一張專輯是長岡京室內樂團在京都的現場演出,福井表示,Fine N&F不在錄音室錄音,而是要求全部在演奏廳裡面錄製,這樣才能同時捕捉空間自然的殘響。錄音的方法則是福井獨創,改良Decca Tree的福井式麥克風擺放方式。這是三十年錄音功力的累積,也是Fine N&F的珍貴智慧財產。

經歷7年的時間,累積14張專輯,Fine N&F思考著製作「精選集」的可能性。福井說,曲目挑選不難,但在發行一張精選SACD,似乎意義不大,而當時他研發十多年的玻璃CD,已經接近完成的階段,於是Fine N&F決定採用全球獨一無二的「Extreme HARDGLASS」CD發行精選集。


全世界最「昂貴」的單一CD專輯 - 卡拉揚指揮柏林愛樂演出的DG版「貝多芬第九號交響曲」玻璃CD,將於2008年6月2日(一)下午3時30分至5時,在台北市日月音響現場展示播放,同時並邀請到日本N & F公司社長福井末憲 先生與日本環球唱片公司關素志先生現場解說及介紹。

日本環球唱片於2007年12月15日正式上市的「貝多芬第九號交響曲」,以1962年卡拉揚指揮柏林愛樂演出的DG版重新發行,意義非凡。這張唱片由日本環球特別與Fine N&F合作,採用玻璃CD(Extreme HARDGLASS CD)製作,日本環球的官方網站上標示定價為200,000日幣(含稅),換算為台幣超過6萬元,絕對是目前世界最昂貴的單張CD。

以「Extreme HARDGLASS CD」製作的1962年版「貝多芬第九號交響曲」,採取「完全預約受注」限定生產。根據台灣代理商韻順唱片表示,玻璃CD是全手工製作,Fine N&F一天僅能製作出兩張玻璃CD,所以每一張玻璃CD訂購之後,需要1個月的製作期,這也是售價如此高昂的原因。不過,國內樂迷仍有幸親耳聽到這張玻璃CD,而且是透過台北日月音響的Hi End器材做展示喔!但因現場聆聽空間有限,試聽會採限量報名方式進行,有興趣的樂迷或音響迷請與韻順唱片聯繫。



「Karajan 2008」在全球古典樂迷之間,已經成為熱門討論的話題了,為了紀念「指揮帝王」卡拉揚100年冥誕,唱片公司無不紛紛推出套裝再版,或是稀有演奏的唱片全新發行。其中,日本環球唱片與Fine N&F合作的「玻璃CD」,將是全世界第一張以玻璃製作的卡拉揚唱片,也是全世界最「昂貴」的單一CD專輯。

日本環球於2007年12月15日正式上市的「貝多芬第九號交響曲」,將1962年卡拉揚指揮柏林愛樂演出的DG版,重新發行,但意義非凡。日本環球特別與Fine N&F合作,採用玻璃CD製作,日本環球的官方網站上標示定價為200,000日幣(含稅),換算為台幣超過6萬元,絕對是目前世界最昂貴的CD。

從日本環球官方網站的說明,以「Extreme HARDGLASS CD」製作的1962年版「貝多芬第九號交響曲」,採取「完全預約受注」限定生產。根據台灣代理商韻順唱片表示,玻璃CD是全手工製作,Fine N&F一天僅能製作出兩張玻璃CD,所以每一張玻璃CD訂購之後,需要1個月的製作期。而每一張玻璃CD不僅有生產編號,消費者若將原廠說明書裡面的回函寄給Fine N&F,原廠還匯寄送正式的玻璃CD保證書,在一年之內如果玻璃CD在非外力影響下損壞,提供直接換新的保固服務。

趕在2008年卡拉揚百歲的前夕上市,這張全世界最昂貴的「貝多芬第九號交響曲」,也將在台上市。Fine N&F錄音師福井末憲將與日本環球的唱片企畫一同來台,解說「Extreme HARDGLASS CD」的特點,並由日本環球說明發行卡拉揚版玻璃CD的緣由。此一說明會行程仍由韻順唱片規劃當中,預計商借台北日月音響二樓之專業聆聽室,舉辦「Extreme HARDGLASS CD與卡拉揚」之深入介紹活動,但正式舉辦說明會的日期尚未敲定,韻順唱片正積極籌辦當中,敬請期待

TAS THE Absolute sound

Over the weekend, I have manage to take out and listen to the TAS CDs..

Great recording and for those who spent huge amount of money upgrading gears, speakers wires, etc..don't forget the software, i,e CDs..

  • TAS The Absolute Sound 2007 : 詩歌寄情.讓瞬間變成永恆 TAS給你無法抵抗的美好! 德國發燒大廠《老虎魚》原版母帶後製
  • TAS The Absoulute sound 2006: 跟上吉普賽女孩的舞步 抓住無法抵抗的音符 煽動自由熱情的靈魂 TAS給你最渴望的感動!! 《德國發燒大廠【老虎魚】原版母帶後製》
  • TAS The Absolute sound 2005: 凱撒大帝說:「我來,我見,我征服」--如同西班牙鬥牛士的專注與熱情--TAS嚴選各國最完美的聲音--再一次征服你最挑剔的耳朵--
  • TAS The Absolute sound 2004: 獻給音樂偏執狂,挑戰最挑剔的耳朵.
    縱橫英法美俄等國,嚴選各類音樂Top One,16首經典一次衝擊!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

玩管機→最高境界→就想玩玩的是WE ,想擁有WE-124B 當左右護法嗎?

I was reading through some of my old threads..

This is interesting articles which I have found on the net to share:

好的器材、又什麼算好的器材呢?只要報出來或上網一搜、馬上就知!好東 西不會便宜、貴的→有錢人才有閒錢買、尤其世界經典的古董機‧就算閒置、有錢人也不差那些錢、甚至覺得賣出被朋友知道了以為他要跑路‧所以整個國際市場 上、好東西愈來愈少,當然愈來愈貴,有錢還不見得買的到!再加上拍賣場子、網路行銷更加便捷,我問您→一樣的東西上次1萬成交,而您有一樣的東西,您要賣 多少呢?當然是一萬!而上次一萬元大家搶著下標,而您沒買到、這次當然多加個1仟元,加果買到了、勢必得多花上空運費、關稅等等費用、如此滾雪 球.....就算您不賺錢賣出好了!成本是不是一手轉一手的愈來愈高!所以看到好的器材→早買才是省錢的路‧

My Marantz 7C has become my Vintage Rolex 5513 gilt dial submariner. ( http://vintage-watch.blogspot.com/) Lucky, I still have my Western Electric 124b 當左右護法..haha..

My search for the WE124b has been an interesting one as I have to go to Taiwan to search, order, await restoration and then hand carry them back to Hong Kong.

The WE amplifiers was expensive and will continue to do so as all vintage items are gaining in values: LS3/5a, Leaks, Mcintosh etc..No choice..worldwide demand. 所以看到好的器材→早買才是省錢的路‧haha. Sounded like advertisement but its true. Bought my first LS3/5a at US$400 (HK$3200) and now outside selling $10,000 above for 15ohms. For those of you who is keen on getting one pair should try to get them as soon as possible. Instead of trying to keep so many hi fi gears, just sell away all and keep the ultimate Western Electric. After years of playing, when you sell them, you will definitely make $$..


Many of you may wonder what happened to my newly bought 絕版的皇太子 since I bought them. Haha!

Its not with me as I have loan it a CD shop as the shop's speakers were faulty. Thus, the shop now has a temporary "replacement" speakers while I will have the opportunity to let the speakers ran for continuous 12 hours a day for several months!!

Win-win situation for both!

My only fear is that the shop keeper may like it so much that he wants to them..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Like Waves against the Sand CD

For Chinese light music, there are 3 must have Cds and this is one of them..


Saturday, November 14, 2009


Went shopping for Cds this evening ..

Ansermet conducts

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Dali Minuet Piano Wood ~~絕版的皇太子

I used to have a pair of Dali Minuet several years ago when I first started to play with hifi. Recently, I came across a shop selling the last remaining pair of the NOS Royal Royal Minuet in Piano wood. I have decided to take it without hesitation as I can still remember vividly the great sound from these little pair of speakers.

I was told that the Dali Royal minute series were discontinued owing to the discontinued parts and there are collectors started hunting for these little speakers. Will these speakers become the next collectable speakers?



Friday, October 23, 2009

Beethoven 9 symphonies - Karajan 1980s Rcording

I have always love Beethoven 9 symphonies especially conducted by Karajan. According to some expert, Karajan has recorded the Beethoven in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. These are from the 1980s recording...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rossini Overtures

Pierino Gamba - 指揮, London Symphony Orchestra 伦敦交响乐团, 演奏的羅西尼(Rossini)《序曲集》(Overtures),收錄有"威廉o退爾"(William Tell)、"塞維利亞的理發師"(II Barbiere di Siviglia)等廣為熟知的珠玉之作,他的演奏生動愉快,優美動聽,Decca的錄音明朗、飽滿、氣氛十足。

Gamba has very few recording but this is a superb one!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rossini String Sonatas

My Marantz 7 has left home over the weekend. I have given up "collecting" hifi gears but has not given up listening to music.

Over the weekend, I have bought the Rossini String sonatas conducted by Marriner.

From the booklet, we have been informed that these three movement works written in the composer's youth and only rediscovered after WWII.

They are not the most complex of works, but are thoroughly enjoyable nonetheless. Neville Marriner leads the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields in these analog recordings from the mid-1960s, which also include works by Donizetti, Bellini and Cherubini.

In Hong Kong, the more popular and competing Philips Duo title of the String Sonatas, by Accardo. I have not bought that version...will do a AB comparison when I have the other version...

Visit my vintage watch collection blog when you are free:


Sunday, October 04, 2009

Theresa Vol 1 -3

Teresa's voice is always sweet. I was fortunate to be able to find new old stocks of Theresa Teng by Polydor..coverng songs from 1974-1981..

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shchedrin Carmen Suite

Sawadee from Bangkok Thailand!

Currently in BKK for the budget meeting. Managed to squeeze sometime in the afternoon to do some shopping and managed to find this version of Carmen Suite conducted by Mikhail Pletnev with the Russian National Orchestra.

Can't wait to listen to it so have to use my IMB T60 PC to listen. Really like the emotion and ups and down of the Carmen plus the drums and brass instruments!

Perhaps someone should invent a mini discman type player using tube that comes with speakers so one can use it when traveling?


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Western Electric 124b + Marantz 7

After much "resting", my vintage Marantz 7 finally starts to commence work!

Listening to Khachatyrian Masquerade Suite & Kabalalevsky The Comedians is a joy...the superb recording and the live like soundstage

I used to own many different kind of 6L6 amplifiers (Quad II, MC240, Pye, Leak TL 12.1, WEKS 16608 etc) but I like the WE124b best.

At one stage, owing to my hectic business traveling, I have almost sold my set. Thank goodness, I still keep the set as it is quite a challenge to find a nicely matched pair.

Listening to Tchaikovsky Capriccio italien, op. 45 and writing this blog is simply a relaxing activity. There was a small "fright" as one side of my speakers sunndely become soundless.

I told my self to cool down and inspect and was checking the pre amp and the power amp. In the end, it was due to the dead GEC U52 tube. Playing with vintage amplifies requires patience as these vintage tubes may suffer sudden strokes. However, despite the minor issues, listening to these vintage amplifiers really add joy and life.. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Now The Green BladeRiseth



数十年来,听过的人声录音为数不少,但如果要我选出一张最清新脱俗、纯净无瑕的录音,则非《麦田之歌》(Now the Green Blade Riseth)莫属。

《麦 田之歌》录于1981年三月十八至二十一日,由Stockholm Cathedral Choir(斯德歌尔摩大教堂合唱团)及The Johannes Youth and Children Choir(约翰尼斯青年与儿童合唱团)以瑞典语演唱,指挥是Gustaf Sjokvist,录音地点就在瑞典斯德歌尔摩的Osterhaninge教堂。



这张CD的歌曲短小精悍,既没有惊天地、泣鬼神的大高潮,也没有百人大乐队助长声势,但只要你听听第一首歌曲There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy,长笛序奏那清新脱俗的音色,仿佛置身于天上人间,保证你还没听到歌声就已经高喊伙计买单。



《麦田之歌》的录音师是Bertil Alving,相信你还记得,他的另一杰作就是脍炙人口的《黑教堂》。

在 多声轨录音室里,录音时差不多把话筒塞到歌手的嘴里,而《麦田之歌》的录音地点选择在教堂里,采用稍远距离的话筒摆放方式,将歌声与教堂的音响特性完美地 融合起来,你可以清楚地感觉到Osterhaninge教堂丰富的残响、宏伟高耸、宽阔深远的音场。整个录音浑然天成,歌声、伴奏乐器及环境音响的平衡恰 到好处,管风琴的音响虽然不似《黑教堂》般地厚重,但清新轻盈的音响才是《麦田之歌》所要表达的意境。如果《麦田之歌》落在只会照章行事、不懂得音乐美学 的录音师手里,管风琴恐怕会录得像恐龙一般张牙舞爪!

有些发烧录音对音响系统的要求非常严峻,但《麦田之歌》的录音却平易近人,是一个放在任何系统上都好听的录音!整张CD收录了二十首歌曲,虽然没有一个字 听得懂,却还是令人百听不厌、一听再听,说明了音乐是最好的国际语言,而美好的境界更是全人类共同向往的目标。

Music for relaxation & enrichment of soul

I have not participated much in the hifi forum. Went in to check some of the forum, and its seems like "photographic" forum more then hifi forum as many posted photos of flowers, etc in the forum. Perhaps, there is not much more to say during the financial crisis?

Perhaps one should just listen to the music and relax the soul..

Great Vocal music

Following my business travel to Switzerland, Taiwan I have finally managed to find some time to upload the photos of Cd that I have acquired thee few weeks...

Tribute to Patrck Swayze

Tribute to Patrick Swayze... RIP

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

HMV with my son

Last weekend when my family was in town in Hong Kong, Keith and I have a wonderful time in HMV where he bought his Tayor Swift & Green Day CDs and I bought mine....

While in HMV, I was immediately attracted by a unique voice.. Zee Avi, a new singer from South East Asia!

Great vocal, great songs! You will like her unique voice!


Sunday, August 02, 2009

Butterflies Musical

Just attended the musical "Butterflies" this evening. Great show, good singing, expression, sound stage and visual effects!

Good combination of Chinese culture with western technologies and modern dances

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jazz at Pawnshop

I have been rather inactive these days owing to my Wing Chun training as well as my vintage watch collection.

Nevertheless, I still managed to find time to listen to some music. Lately, I have managed to complete my find for the first edition Jazz at Pawnshop volume 1,2,and 3.

For those who is keen to listen to excellent recording and expert playing, should try to listen to these classic...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pioneer CS 44 Alnico speakers

Just found a nice set of vintage Pioneer CS 44, 8 ohms speakers in original and very good condition and at a very good price too!

Initial testing sounded great for vocal! Will ran in the speakers for a couple of days...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Top 20 most performed Operas: Opera America


Madama Butterfly
La bohème
La traviata
The Barber of Seville
The Marriage of Figaro
Don Giovanni
The Magic Flute
La Cenerentola
Lucia di Lammermoor
Cosî fan tutte
Il trovatore
Die Fledermaus
The Elixir of Love

Mozart 莫扎特 - Le Nozze Di Figaro 费加罗的婚礼

Recently, I have been listening to Mozart and I have just placed an order for Mozart 莫扎特 - Le Nozze Di Figaro 费加罗的婚礼 conducted by my favourite conductor Solti.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mozart Early symphonies and Symphonies 21-41

Mozrt : father & Son

This is a very nice Mozart father and son CD. L Mozart Toy symphony and the very famous Eine Kleine Nactmusik.. Great recording by Marriner

One bonus from the CD is the very nice Pachebel Canon! Lovely music for the quiet night...


After much searching, I have finally found the first edition Japanese pressed Cd. For those who have not heard the CD, this is a must have!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Andrew Lloyd Webber

Andrew Lloyd Webber:
1. Phantom of the Opera
2. Sunset Blvd
3. Starlight Express