Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shchedrin Carmen Suite

Sawadee from Bangkok Thailand!

Currently in BKK for the budget meeting. Managed to squeeze sometime in the afternoon to do some shopping and managed to find this version of Carmen Suite conducted by Mikhail Pletnev with the Russian National Orchestra.

Can't wait to listen to it so have to use my IMB T60 PC to listen. Really like the emotion and ups and down of the Carmen plus the drums and brass instruments!

Perhaps someone should invent a mini discman type player using tube that comes with speakers so one can use it when traveling?


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Western Electric 124b + Marantz 7

After much "resting", my vintage Marantz 7 finally starts to commence work!

Listening to Khachatyrian Masquerade Suite & Kabalalevsky The Comedians is a joy...the superb recording and the live like soundstage

I used to own many different kind of 6L6 amplifiers (Quad II, MC240, Pye, Leak TL 12.1, WEKS 16608 etc) but I like the WE124b best.

At one stage, owing to my hectic business traveling, I have almost sold my set. Thank goodness, I still keep the set as it is quite a challenge to find a nicely matched pair.

Listening to Tchaikovsky Capriccio italien, op. 45 and writing this blog is simply a relaxing activity. There was a small "fright" as one side of my speakers sunndely become soundless.

I told my self to cool down and inspect and was checking the pre amp and the power amp. In the end, it was due to the dead GEC U52 tube. Playing with vintage amplifies requires patience as these vintage tubes may suffer sudden strokes. However, despite the minor issues, listening to these vintage amplifiers really add joy and life.. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Now The Green BladeRiseth


数十年来,听过的人声录音为数不少,但如果要我选出一张最清新脱俗、纯净无瑕的录音,则非《麦田之歌》(Now the Green Blade Riseth)莫属。

《麦 田之歌》录于1981年三月十八至二十一日,由Stockholm Cathedral Choir(斯德歌尔摩大教堂合唱团)及The Johannes Youth and Children Choir(约翰尼斯青年与儿童合唱团)以瑞典语演唱,指挥是Gustaf Sjokvist,录音地点就在瑞典斯德歌尔摩的Osterhaninge教堂。



这张CD的歌曲短小精悍,既没有惊天地、泣鬼神的大高潮,也没有百人大乐队助长声势,但只要你听听第一首歌曲There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy,长笛序奏那清新脱俗的音色,仿佛置身于天上人间,保证你还没听到歌声就已经高喊伙计买单。



《麦田之歌》的录音师是Bertil Alving,相信你还记得,他的另一杰作就是脍炙人口的《黑教堂》。

在 多声轨录音室里,录音时差不多把话筒塞到歌手的嘴里,而《麦田之歌》的录音地点选择在教堂里,采用稍远距离的话筒摆放方式,将歌声与教堂的音响特性完美地 融合起来,你可以清楚地感觉到Osterhaninge教堂丰富的残响、宏伟高耸、宽阔深远的音场。整个录音浑然天成,歌声、伴奏乐器及环境音响的平衡恰 到好处,管风琴的音响虽然不似《黑教堂》般地厚重,但清新轻盈的音响才是《麦田之歌》所要表达的意境。如果《麦田之歌》落在只会照章行事、不懂得音乐美学 的录音师手里,管风琴恐怕会录得像恐龙一般张牙舞爪!

有些发烧录音对音响系统的要求非常严峻,但《麦田之歌》的录音却平易近人,是一个放在任何系统上都好听的录音!整张CD收录了二十首歌曲,虽然没有一个字 听得懂,却还是令人百听不厌、一听再听,说明了音乐是最好的国际语言,而美好的境界更是全人类共同向往的目标。

Music for relaxation & enrichment of soul

I have not participated much in the hifi forum. Went in to check some of the forum, and its seems like "photographic" forum more then hifi forum as many posted photos of flowers, etc in the forum. Perhaps, there is not much more to say during the financial crisis?

Perhaps one should just listen to the music and relax the soul..

Great Vocal music

Following my business travel to Switzerland, Taiwan I have finally managed to find some time to upload the photos of Cd that I have acquired thee few weeks...

Tribute to Patrck Swayze

Tribute to Patrick Swayze... RIP