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Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Eagles Lyin' eyes
Everything time I listen to the Lyin' eyes, the images of the sounds will appear like a movie in my mind. The melody, lyrics and singing plus the story telling of the song is relly amazing and I often wonder why no one writes such songs anymore?

Sad and romantic song for the lovers.....
Monday, November 25, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Paris trip
Following my business trip to Europe, I took the opportunity to visit Paris and found these first edition old press seed CDs from a CD shop which has some old new old stocks CDs to clear.
In particular, I am happy to find Wggner Die Walkure and Mozart Die Entfuhrung Australia Dem Serail conducted by my favourite Solti. In additional, since my Mahler 1 has been so used with scratches, I have took the opportunity to get another NOS as a standby..
Friday, November 22, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Thursday, November 07, 2013
Monday, November 04, 2013
Subconscious mind...
Subconsciously, I began to collect back those items that I used to have namely the Rogers LS3/5a Gold badge, 755a and GrePin speakers. The only one missing is he Tannoy Cantebury...
Not sure why..but I guess I missed the great fun of switching speakers and listening to different type of music from different speakers..
Sunday, November 03, 2013
Aura drivers AS3-75-4FR
“AURA”优雅3寸钴磁(铝镍钴Alnico),全防磁,纸盆(喇叭上编号AS3-75-4WB 4欧20W Max)。库存多年的“AURA”优雅3寸钴磁全频毒喇叭,采用价格昂贵的钴磁材料,天然纸纤维振膜,顺性极好的油布边悬边(经久耐用,灵敏度高,瞬态非常好),耐高温音圈(用烙铁也烫不坏它)。毒喇叭承受功率大,两端频响延伸更宽,优质的材料与做工使得这种小单元有着非常优秀的频响。用于近场小音量听慢歌和弦乐效果真是没法说,毒性强。优雅全频喇叭以点声源方式发声,由低至高的整体连贯性及自然传真度极佳,声音清新纯净而爽朗,其效率高,音色美。因无需使用不同单元与分频器,不会因分频电容分频电感带来相位失真、损耗及衰减,透明度好,音域平衡度极佳,高频纤细不刺耳,低频还原宽松而不含糊,音色甜暖,演绎的人声弦乐是其一绝,尤其是听单一乐器或单一人声的录音,它的效果更几可乱真。自然真实的中频表现是其最大的优势,就算是最昂贵的多路音箱系统也难以做到。难怪长久以来世界各地仍有众多发烧友孜孜不倦地热衷于全频带喇叭。玩全频带喇叭制作的音箱可算是一个另类选择,搭配胆机可以得到很好的音乐性表现,为我们提供一种截然不同的重播效果。绝大多数发烧友还是以听人声弦乐为主。此喇叭的最大特点就是“韵味、韵味和韵味”。
毒喇叭上标注“AURA SOUND”英文大意为有气味的声音。声音为耳听,非鼻闻,能闻到的声音非普通声音,意为特别好听的声音,中文名字“优雅”。
For those who don't know the GrePin speakers, the following are the information:
先说一下这对宝贝的身世吧,她的父亲是名誉省港澳的烧家广州“志平音响”郑平先生,我和先生并非深交,只知道他是“中国大陆第一位凭籍买卖西电零件赚了钱的音响界奇人”(陈瑛光语),曾和容县的发烧友到过他的店铺交谈过几次,为人很随和。香港“发烧音响”主编陈瑛光对志平很高的评价,认为他是:耳朵灵敏,电子学识丰富、深释校声之道,是我国音响界功力深不可测的一位武林高手。 我的这对小精灵是人手制造的限量产品,她所用的全音域单元只有三寸直经!你们千万不要掉眼镜啊,据郑先生介绍,此喇叭单元原为美国AURA产品,单元虽细,但磁体却用钴磁,系高成本制作,当时制造出来的用途已不可考(可能是专为小型专业录音室使用)。郑师识货,一次买断了厂家的库存(300只,现全球仅有150对箱!)。经他几年的反复研究曾作了无数的箱体,终于在今年年末为这对单元度身定作好了自己满意的箱体,此音箱设计巧妙,单元发声扩散之音箱边缘用手工打磨成圆角,形成一种号角效应,喇叭的音乐味特浓厚,此“号角”功不可没,音箱系低音反射设计,出气孔亦用多层夹板磨成圆角,美观之外亦有加固作用,箱体木皮工艺甚靓,如果在国外制造,不知要贵多几多了。她在播发女人声时感情之丰富甚至胜过LS3/5A,不要小看她的2三寸单元,她的中低频份量相当不俗,50赫以下相信没有什么料到,但播放低音提琴时仍似模似样,牛筋味之烟轫更令人高呼过瘾,斤八兄干脆拿“快乐的巴黎人”中第10首“小巫师”来拷打她,她却依然从容应付,令我们大家相对大笑,金牙兄更甚,拿“竹吟”、“凤凰于飞”的第三首“高岗上”的超低频想推垮她,她却淡定从容不失态,我们不禁击手叫绝!; 满地都是书架箱的金牙,立刻订要一对,连不怎么听音乐的木哥也定要一对。弦乐更优美了,中频饱满、高频延伸得高,还带有一股难得的“贵气”。这对超乎物理极限的细喇叭有此音效,纯粹是设计者功力过人所致。难怪郑平敢带她去香港参加“香港高级影音展,连陈瑛光听后都大叫过瘾掏银收了一对入后宫,还写评为:确是发烧绝顶的HIFI--END产物。这对尤物一定要用胆机来服侍,用300B最合衬。二是要用重型的脚架来配,低频会有很大的增加。要说这对箱的不足,就是郑平老师可能是太仓促了的缘故,连型号都没给她,只标上了“Gre Pin"(郑平)的“楞把”。这也理解,全球只得150对,知道是“大哥郑”的子女就得了,反正是空前绝后别无兄弟姐妹了,也无需编型号了。)

Saturday, November 02, 2013
志平3寸全音域單元毒喇叭 (limited to 150 pairs)
I used to own a pair of the 志平三寸喇叭in 2006. It has created a great sensation in Hong Kong when it was first launched in Hong Kong as the price versus performance equation is highly favorable. At Hk$3800, it out performed many more expensive speakers.
During 2006, there are so many great hifi gears ranging from full range speakers to LS3/5a and Tannoy, JBL etc. Since there are so great many hifi gears all around the market, one tends to get the feeling that these will always be available anytime. As such, I sold away one pair when my friend has expressed his interest in it, with much regret I must admit.
I have always been fascinated with the 志平3吋小喇叭全音域單元 as even though it is only a 3 inch driver, it is able to demonstrated strong vocal as well as play orchestra music. Having done some simple study, the reason for its wonderul sound was due to its vintage Alnico magnet and "元發聲擴散之音箱邊緣用手工打磨成圓角,形成一種號角效應". As mentioned before, another great attraction is its handmade (人手製造) feature. I have tried some DIY cabinet myself, and I know how difficult the process is and it will be totally impossible for me to achieve such nice finshing result and sound. It uses the Aura drivers.
美国AURA喇叭是30多年的老厂,采用价格昂贵的钴磁材料(也称钢磁或白磁,是一种铝、镍、钴的合金。其优点是磁间隙密度强,矫顽力强,耐高温,剩磁感 应强度强(优于钕铁硼磁铁),体积小,低漏磁场,天然纸纤维双盆同轴振膜,顺性极好的泡沫边悬边,耐高温音圈。其3寸全频单元(编号AS3-75-4FR 4欧15W)被广州志平音响成功装配成音箱,音质取得骄人效果,命名为“毒喇叭”,风靡港澳。
The production of these speakers has ceased and the only way to get them is through the web. I must have tried finding for a few years before this pair surfaced. This little speakers have archived its own cult status as there are many replica Gre Peng speakers around. There is only 150 pair of speakers produced owing to the limited nos of drivers...
Many has copied but I have found the sound different owing to the differences in drivers. Be careful with replica Gre Pin speakers...
Altec 755a in old Altec cabinets
Since my vintage 755a cabinets are still in Singapore, I have to use the old Altec cabinets to host the drivers.. I like the vintage look...
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