Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bangkok hifi journey step 1

Today is a special day as it's the beginning of the year 2015 and it is also the start of my hifi journey in Bangkok. Initially I was trying to get a pair of Pioneer pure malt from HK. Owing to the difficulty min shipmet, I have decided to search for one set here in Indochina and finally managed to find one brand new old stocks, after much waiting, My speakers have finally arrived 😁
I am really impressed with the Japanese as the speakers were well packed and with two set of speakers cover and even include the spekers wires and instructions booklets.
Given the limited items, I will have to make do with the simple set up. 
To start the running in of my new speakers, 鄧麗君became the first guest of honor and the song 何日君再來 brought back the familiar feeling of home with hifi. Even though the set up is simple and speakers have not been properly run in, the enjoyment of music is priceless. Really glad to have my simple Elekit amplifier together with the Pioneer pure malt speakers to have me start the 2015. There is one more set available. Write to me if you are keen to get a brand new set...

Happy New Year 2015!

Info from the net:



Happy New Year 2015

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Start of hifi listening

While waiting for the arrival of my hifi gears, I have started to listen to my Cds using the apartment's mini combo. Not the best but still a pleasure to listen..

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pioneer Pure Malt S-A4SPT-VP

After much deliberation, I have finally settled for a pair of NOS Pioneer Pure Malt VP instead of the Castle Anniversary. The key motivation behind is the unique recycled woods from the whisky barrel, which is both eco friendly and meaningful. To be specific, the Pioneer Japan presents S-A4SPT-VP speaker system is made from Whisky barrel wood, which are almost 50 years old which are in turn made from Oak trees almost 100 years old. The speaker produces a soft, mellow tone that lingers in the air. White oak is one of the world’s hardest woods, which makes this unique cabinet extremely rigid and It suppresses unwanted cabinet vibration and enhances the driver’s performance, contributing to the superbly expressive sound. 

The above features of vintage solid wood are good USPs which have made the speakers appealing. Each pair of speaker cabinets has its own unique wood grain and color. In addition, this high quality oak will continue to change to a splendid deeper color as time goes on. Having the Gold badge LS3/5a and the legendary 755a Fullrange speakers, I am sure this Pioneer VP will join the line of legend  since these have been discontinued.

The speakers with TAD (Technical Audio Devices) technology, 10cm diameter woofer, playback frequency range 50Hz – 40 kHz, 6 Ω impedance measures 154×213×246mm and weighs 3.7kg. 

Given the relatively inexpensive price points, these are really values for money speakers. It's a start of my new hifi journey...

Sunday, December 14, 2014

New speakers for Bangkok

After being posted to Bangkok for two months, I think it's time for me to start setting up my hifi system. My precious Gold badge LS3/5a and my 755a speakers are safely back at my home in Singapore and I do not want to risk shipping them here and there.

As such, I have spent several weeks searching for a bookshielf speakers that will fit into my apartment as well as budget. One consideration is the Castle anniversay speakers and another key consideration is a pair of Pioneer Pure Malt.s-A4SPT-VP, which I have always been keen but never really getting into as I have both the LS3/5a and 755a speakers with me then. I am really excited as the hunt for these discontinued speakers is always an interesting journey. Looking back, the Pioneer Pure malt VP was launched in 2007-8, a good 6 years ago...

Some interesting reviews:



PIONEER S-A4SPT-VP小喇叭大驚奇、先鋒展現70年技術精髓


        從事喇叭生產製造已邁入第70年的PIONEER,旗下「Pure Malt(純麥)」系列的揚聲器在1998年首度推出,它的賣點在於揚聲器箱體採威士忌酒桶製成,中間並經過許多繁複、嚴謹的處理過程。由於威士忌酒桶用的是相當堅硬的百年白橡木,並經過50年以上的熟成蘊釀,不會有原木變形彎曲的問題,用於製作音箱能有和諧及自然的聲音,是製作喇叭非常理想的材質。因為酒桶使用一段時間便需淘汰,向來重視環保的PIONEER便與Suntory合作,把淘汰的酒桶回收再利用,製作出性能優異的揚聲器,不過,雖然是廢棄酒桶,中間的處理過程所耗費成本卻高過常見的MDF板。

        就因為回收再利用,讓Pure Malt系列獲得日本資源循環獎,不過相信它的聲音表現才是本刊讀者所重視的,如果您還記得1年前的PIONEER S-A4SPT-PM,當時本刊對此揚聲器抱持高度肯定,因為它在迷你的尺寸下,竟有不輸大喇叭的氣勢,音質更是令人印象深刻,如今新一代的S-A4SPT-VP,外型幾乎如出一轍,價位也相近,但聲音表現居然還能更上層樓,只能讓人不禁感動:「這就是用心做出來的喇叭!」


        TAD(Technical Audio Device)部門是PIONEER於1975年所成立,主要針對專業錄音室,接單生產監聽喇叭,後來TAD技術也運用在家用的Hi-end音響上,但價格相當昂貴,可說是許多發燒友的終極目標。而S-A4SPT-VP移植了TAD的音盆振膜技術,讓這只直徑僅10cm的單體也能再生夠沈、具量感的低頻。

        S-A4SPT-VP外型尺寸154×246×213mm,以書架型喇叭來說,算是相當迷你的尺寸,重量3.8公斤,採二音路二單體反射式設計,內部經過防磁處理,而且為了把中低音單體磁漏降到最低,並以金屬包覆屏蔽,再貼上阻尼材料抑震,磁鐵中央以導管釋放音盆前後運動時音圈室所造成的壓力,內部更填充吸音材料,看得出PIONEER用心之處。前障板搭載2cm半球型絲質軟膜高音單體,中低音單體材質則為TAD技術的特殊紙盆,具有輕量化、高剛性、良好的內部耗損等特性,喇叭背部選用高級的香蕉插喇叭端子,最大承受功率100W,阻抗6歐姆,低頻可達50Hz、高頻則能延伸至40kHz,對應SACD 與DVD-Audio格式碟片不成問題。S-A4SPT-VP算是效率低的喇叭,靈敏度84dB。為了讓用家在搭配居家裝潢時有更彈性的選擇空間,原廠提供深綠與深紅兩色的面網,讓用家自由搭配。

        在前一代喇叭的鋒芒下,讓人很好奇S-A4SPT-VP還有什麼進步的空間,實際聆聽時,那種不輸大喇叭的開闊音場與氣勢還是沒變,沒有刻意突出某一頻段的表現,各頻段音域銜接得非常順暢,在播放本刊測試器材必聽的YG ACOUSTICS的CD測試片時,首曲即以深沈有力大鼓為開場,打著TAD近親名號的S-A4SPT-VP能否通過低頻考驗?答案是肯定的,受限單體尺寸,低頻量感不多,但很低沈,比前代喇叭動態更大,想必這就是與PIONEER頂級EX系列相同材質振膜所達到的效果。偏愛豐沛低頻量感的玩家若仍覺不足的話,不妨再搭配一顆主動式重低音。

        第二首「Schusselwalzer」高錄音品質的鋼琴彈奏曲,S-A4SPT-VP將曲子中豐富靈動的細節一五一十地呈現出來,功力不夠的器材常聽不到完整的聲音,但PIONEER這組喇叭辦到了,再者,鋼琴觸鍵的質感頗佳,聲音細膩柔美,帶有小喇叭難得一見的音樂性,把此曲韻味展現得淋漓盡致。接下來的解析度大考驗,是以民謠吉他為主的「Close to home」,S-A4SPT-VP所呈現的弦音相當細柔,清而不利、入味三分。不知道是不是心理因素作祟,整個試聽過程還真有點微醺感。


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Starting again in Bangkok

I have just found an apartment in Bangkok and my hifi has note been set up. As I have shipped most of the items back to Singapore, I will need to hand carry back a pair of speakers during my month end tip back to Singapore.

Cheers mate

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Joan Baez: No woman no cry

Many audiophiles will love the Diamonds and Rust in the bullring by Joan Baez

There is another which one should listen namely No Woman No cry, where one can listen to an excellent recording and vocal

Friday, September 05, 2014

Still 755a ...

After so many years of hifi, I am still keeping the 755a and the Gold badge LS3/5a for my listening pleasure..

Korean drama

These two CDs are from the Korean drama. There are many great vocal and instrumental music from these CDs.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


從2001阿淘的歌 離開台灣80O米, 下課啦!到水路(2003), 阿淘消失了。等待10 年終於等到最新版CD....簽名版哈哈


For those who love vocal music with good recording, the 阿淘的歌is a must. After several years, the new CD will become collectable again. Strange to see people buy only when prices escalates...

Finally bought both versions...

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Beethoven symphony nos 9

The Beethoven no 9 is always my favourite. The CD provides 66 minutes of nice music..

Sunday, June 22, 2014


This is my second CD of the same kind. The title theme is so good as well as the singing. 


A journey to inner peace

I have bought this new cd from Thailsnd Bangkok and is the music for the soul and for one who is seeking a journey to inner peace 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Seweryn Krajewski

Some Eastern Europe Poland music off the Saturday afternoon..

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The XX

I came across this album by chance from Mr. 祝 from Xiamen. The xx are an English indie pop band, formed in Wandsworth, London in 2005. The group released their debut album, xx in August 2009. The album ranked highly on many best of 2009 lists, placing number one on the list compiled byThe Guardian and second for NME. In 2010, the band won the Mercury Music Prize for their debut album

The music style is a mixture of post punk + R&B. For those who love vocal + electric guitar with rhythm , you will love this music. The recording is good and you can feel the music flowing across the room. The first song Intro will capture your attention and bring you into the music of XX..

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hifi set up Singapore

I have brought back my vintage Philips speakers and my Elekit TU-TU to Singapore. Even though the hifi set up is simple, I really enjoyed the music from the tube amplifier. The sizes of the speakers and amplifier truly fit into the overall cabinet space...

Monday, April 21, 2014

Alan Tam

The 1980s was a happy period where schooling and examinations, girls and music dominates. It was a period where I seemed to have plenty of time and energy to do many things. Alan Tam and Leslie were the two great Hong Kong Singers together with 陳百強 and 王傑..artists that sang so well and entertainment were simple. Tonight, I have taken out these old CDs to listen and can bring back much find memories of the past..

Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter holiday

I have spent several hours to run in my Elekit 22 as well as the new CV181 tubes together with my ahold badge Rogers LS3/5a..