I have been very disciplined in the hobby by not being tempted to get any new equipments. As it is summer holiday in Switzerland, many of te watch factories are on summer holidays, my trip to Switzerland has been postponed. As a result my impulse in getting the Nagra PLP has also diminished as I have not have the energy to start "collecting" first edition LPs. My constant business travel has drained much of my energy as well as my desires to start the LP again.
Instead, I have continued my search for quality recording CDs,..slowly piece by piece without much pressures as these softwares played a great part in the performance of the overall set up as the "source" of music is the first deciding factors followed by the speakers, amp and preamp etc.
I have not partcipated in the Review33 forum for the past month (with the exception of letting go a few small items at the second hand section.) and I have much peace in mind as I just choose to explore the different composers (Mozart, Beethoven, Tchavoski, Rossini, Puccini, Bizet and now Mahlers) slowly followed by listening to the different conductors (Anserment, Karajan, Solti, Abbado, Zubin, etc)..I am beginning to understand why so many audiophiles were attractd by classical music an operas! It is a realy deep hobby. Understanding the composers and their livelihood and experience will enable one to feel more close to their music and what they are expressing!
I shall be travelling to Shanghai again tomorrow and I shall bring my old dicsman together with my newly acquired Mahler's CDs. I guess many will laugh at my old CD dics player since many are using MP3.. Enjoy your music!
索爾蒂(Solti)指揮芝加哥交響樂團(Chicago Symphony Orchestra)演出的馬勒(Mahler)《第1交響曲》(Symphony No.1 In D Major "Titan")給人留下了深刻的印象,索爾蒂使芝加哥交響樂團發揮出了極高的水平,把這部有著不同凡響號召力的樂曲演奏的極為神妙,Decca提供了高水平的數字錄音,《企鵝唱片指南》評為三星! CD 碟印有Made in West Germany 西德压片,大銀圈(銀圈到边至孔心)。 Solti 索尔蒂 - 指挥 Chicago Symphony Orchestra & Chorus 芝加哥交响乐团及合唱团
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