The TSM 300 speakers have really out performed my expectation in many ways. Firstly, as mentioned earlier, the severe space constraints in Hong Kong has limited my choice of speakers. The usual bookshelf speakers are good options but are limited to listening of vocal and light music.
With the need to play orchestra music with high and low base requirements, these bookshelf will be under constraints and the TSM with its superb technology and suitable size that can fit the living room, made it an ideal choice. I have been reading the past review and have been skeptical so far until yesterday...
The 2 hours of playing require some warming up of speakers as these have been left idle for months. After running in for several hours, I then set myself to have some proper "serious" listening and I was listening to 張學友-Private Corner, and immediately, I can see the sound stage and when closing my eyes with a dim lights, I can visualize him singing in front of me. Remarkable details in the various instruments as well as the stereo effects of instruments moving from left to right and vice versa. In short, it was a wonderful experience! It also brings out the best in the Western Electric 124b amplifiers where the speakers merely represents the amplifiers itself with no artificial colouration.
Many would compare the TSM with LS3/5a but I would say that these are two completely different characteristic products. The LS3/5a is strong in its Mid for vocal but has no high or low. Of course one can exercise room coupling to maximize the potential and bring out its best. However, this action would require one to bring the speakers forward for a couple of feet from the wall and in my current living room, these would just be impossible as it will obstruct the walk way. Moreover, when listening to the LS3/5a, the sweet spot is quite narrow.
The TSM 300 is a much User friendly product as it has its natural high as well as base making listening a much relax task (yes, I am lazy and I do not wished to have so much stress when playing with hifi as hifi main duty is to help one relax and enjoy the music. So, for those who wants instant good music with minimum efforts, these speakers are for you..haha enjoy!
Product characteristics from the net:
- 兩音路的錄音室近場鑑聽揚聲器
TSM-300 秉持TAD喇叭在生真實聲音的技術哲學。採用最新研發的超高音壓縮式圓形號角高音單體,並以對稱類點音源之方式上下各置一顆六吋的無懸邊式低音單體,能再聲傳統喇叭所無法提供的真實聲音。 - 高音採用鈦金屬振膜的壓縮式單體,能再生35KHz超高音域,並以精確的相位調整技術,大幅減少音訊號轉換所造成的音色損失。
- 採用AFAST-SZ技術製作最佳音色的號角
號角採用TAD所研發的AFAST-SZ (Acoustical Filter Assisted System tuning) 技術,此導因管能吸收號角發聲時所造成的共振,避免聲音模糊不清,因此能使喇叭再生更清晰且豐富的高解析音質。
- 低音採用最先進的E.L.P.D.設計方式
採用TAD獨家開發E.L.P.D.( Edgeless Linear Power Design )方式,除了提供更寬的頻率響應與在生超低頻率,其無懸邊式低音結構(Edgeless Structure)並不會限制紙盆震動距離,因此能承受大功率的輸入而不失真。此外,更能完全消除傳統喇叭在懸邊振動時所造成的雜訊,進一步降低失真提高S/N比的表現。
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