After months of mixitng and matching my various amplifiers, pre amplifiers and speakers system, I have finally managed to settle down with my current set of system and have more time dedicated to active listening.
These are two great CDs that everyone should get!
The magic started in August 1956 in Los Angeles when these six musicians worked together to produce this fantsatic records. Ella and Louis are the vocalists, Louis alternating on trumpet. The Oscar Peterson Trio and Buddy Rich, drums, complete the sextet.
Rather then joining the "Hong Kong hifi rat race" in competing who has the most gear, I have set my self the task of "active listening" and appreciation of good music. The tracks from the 2 CDs are all perennial favorites at the time and are ensured of immortality by this recording. All tracks has the vintage sound charateristcs but such is the buoyant, easy rhythm music that these artists set and you will find the effect is wonderfully invigorating. The unique features of the CD are the great contrast between two voices between Ella and Louis. Ella's silky and smooth voice versus Louis' rough and tumble.
Both artists had such huge successes singing on their own and have such distinct styles, that you would think that their voices would conflict with each other but instead there is a convergence without compromise and a good mixture of high and low, smooth and rough, like the ying and the yang working in perfect harmony.
Even though Louis' trumpet with tone may sound "loud" at time, the two voices that play off of each other, complementing each other's features, and yet nothing is lost in each's distinctness. They both bring everything they have to the table, and magically somehow, the table is big enough to fit everything.
When listening to the CDs using my Western Electric 755a fullrange speakers, I could hear very clearly the positiong of both Louis and Ella! The 755a really stands the test of vocals with trumpet and other instruments. When listening to the same CD using mini combo system, the sound is too messy and congested for anyone to appreciate the true vocal of the two great talents! Sometimes, you will need a good pair of speakers to bring out the essence in the music...
My favourite tracks are : cheek to cheek; Moonlight in Vermont with the soft piano playing side by side with Elle at the start of the music; Isn't it a lovely day...Yes, it is with Ella and Louis singing : ) singing cheek to cheek..
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