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Friday, January 26, 2007
The Important of tubes or amplifiers?
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Western Electric 100f & KLH Radio set
Monday, January 22, 2007
Western Electric 124 Vs Leak TL12.1 amplifiers
The set up are as follows:
- Leak TL12.1 (using GEC KT66)+ Fisher 50C + Tannoy mini + B & O CD player
- WE 124 (Using WE 350B tubes) + Fisher 50C + Tannoy mini + B & O CD player
Richard has worded it nicely with the following comments:
Compared with the TL/12.1, 124B is more like a very bosom young lady, probably in her late twenties, who had inmaturely declined a number handsome, wealthy young men including 李家誠 and had a lot sorrows and happiness to tell. Her listeners would be attracted to pour out all from their pockets and to spend the rest of their life to study her! You feel warm and peace.
Before the WE124B, TL/12.1 appeared actually like a 18歲 扑扑趣 whom you want to enjoy (more than her look). The TL/12.1 is so energetic and playful that you might even worry yourselves that you can't chase and follow her tightly. But you would still cling to her, using up all your energy without regret.
With 2 pair of amplifiers, comparison between the two in term of performance is inevitable. However, given the variables factors such as different tubes used and circuits, an A B comparison will be difficuilt. Using the analogy of the motor vehicle, perhaps the WE124 is like the Mercedes, elegance and smooth while the Leak TL12.1 is like the BMW with much more energy, force and punch. Both the Mercedes and BMW will ultimately bring you to the destination but the experience of the ride will be different indeed..In the end, I think I would try my best to enjoy hearing the Music in the special way each system presents hifi equipements' obejective is to help us to reproduce the music to our ears..for enjoyment!
With the lisetning session last weekend and the acqusition of the Chartwell LS3/5a, I have more or less complete my hunt for the equipments. Having to manage 2 sets of amplifiers plus 3 set of speakers will really sufficient to keep one busy. Thus, I have made up my mind in not wanting to acquire the Brooks 12A using the 2A3 tubes as it will be like moving into another arena again. Instead, my aim is to focus my time on listening and improve the soudn from the exisiting system by trying outdifferent tubes and different combinations in order to bring out the best in its system.
Chartwell LS3/5a
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Made in Hong Kong smallest amplifiers
Saturday, January 20, 2007
LS3/5a collection - start of a new journey
As mentioned previously, I used to have 4 pair of Rogers: 15 ohms black badge, 15 ohms white belly, 11ohms, and pusedo 15 ohms. With the desire to acquire a pair of Tannoy & WE 755a, I have sold off 3 pair and keeping only the white Belly as reference. Recently, by chance, I have managed to find a pair of rare Ram LS3/5a 15 ohms. Among the LS3/5a, there are two other so called "champion" LS3/5a namely the vintage Chartwell LS3/5a and the Rogers Gold Badge.
With this clear targets in mind, I will try to find these 15 ohms Chartwell LS3/5a and Rogers Gold badge to "complele" my LS3/5a collection. The objective is to focus on the 15 ohms and as there are simply too many variations to keep, I hope to go for the rare ones as key!
Wish me luck!
Hong Kong CDs recommendation
GEC U52 tubes
Friday, January 19, 2007
We124 with 350B, GEC U52 & GEC 6J7 tubes
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
LS3/5a collection
Monday, January 15, 2007
RAM LS3/5a
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Western Electric KS 16608 amplifiers at ebay

Good CD recommendation: Andy Williams & Barry Manilow CD
I remember listening to Barry Manilow in the mid 1980s was quite a "cool" act as many of my colleague school girl classmates were quite impressed with his singing styles. Now, I guess only people in the late 30s or early 40s listen to Barry Manilow and Andy Williams.
Listening to these vocal brought back many fond memories of the younger years. Nevertheless, one has to admit that the singers of the yesteryears have better singing skills then the modern days!
My son Keith, however, prefers to listen to Bad DayDaniel Powter!
Mullard 6L6G tubes
This morning, I did a spring cleaning on my vintage tubes collection. With the streamlining of the amplifiers, there are many tubes which became irrelevant to my current amplifiers. Thus, I took out my unused tubes such as the Philips Jan 7027a, Mullard EF86, EL34 and exchanged for these Mullard 6L6G tubes for my We 124 and KS16608 use.
- 1940s Military grade WE350B,
- 1960s 350B,
- RCA 6L6,
- BTW 6L6
- National Union 6L6
- Brimar 6L6
- Sylvania 6L6
- Mullard 6L6
- GEC KT66
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Tannoy Mini Autograph Vs. Pioneer Pure Malt
Friday, January 12, 2007
Brothers Four, Eric Clapton unplugged, Nana CDs
5U4G/ U52 tubes
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Good CD recommendation: Crystal Gayle CDs
Recently, I have bought the Crystal Gayle's 2002 CD to listen to her vocal again using my WE755a. Her sweet voice immediately came out nicely with the speakers. The song "When I Dream" with beautiful harmony from a guitar and a piano truly bring out her talent in singing love song.
In fact, many of her songs were vocal focussed as the various instruments were merely real sidekicks..For those who wants to listen to strong vocal with sweet and natural voice, you have to start listening to Crystal Gayle. Her singing was so natural and seems effortless where music just flow like a river, so smooth and yet with so much emotion..
Testing of new tubes
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Hifi Desires
However, it is often easy to say then to do it. I have often has to set "internal restraints" saying enough is enough.
Looking at the current trend, I am glad that I have managed to control my internal desires and limit myself to items which suit my taste of music with a focus on Quality rather then numbers. Of the various hifi items that I have experienced, I like my Western Electric 124 the most. The sound of the Western Electric may not have the high or low extensions that many other equipements have. However, the strong mid and the emotional expression and natural sound from the WE124 is something that many amplifiers could not express.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Vintage Hifi Items for 2007
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Cables recommendation:Artist hand made cables

I have sent my pair of Fisher 50C for matching by Marcos from Artist Hifi. Normally, the checking fees and servicing fees will costs around $1000-3500 in Hong Kong depending on Sifu and the extent of work. Luckily, the Fishers are in relatively good condition and there was only a need to change 3 resistors in order to matched the pair. Moreover, the charges were very reasonable at HK$500 only (includive of vintage NOS bumble bees capacitors etc).
While waiting in his workshop for my Fisher 50C, I was listening to the hifi that was being played and the sound was lively, warm, detail and yet would not sound too bright. Upon my further enquiry, I came to realise that it was due to the hand made speakers. The material used was the same as my interconnect bought earlier. There was a very good review in the recent issue of the local hifi magazines.
As I have bought two pair of interconnect before, I have decided to buy a 10 ft speakers cables for my Westen Electric 755a speakers. As mentioned eariler, the speakers cables used the vintage copper wires that was used in the music studio in Germany in the past (which was the key secret of good sound.) 德國錄音室所用的純銅線芯為線材. Marcos has shown me the original wires from Germany which was very thick in diameter. He has to cut open the original wires and combine the internal wires into the way for use as speaker cables or interconnect. As the quantities of raw material (original copper wires used in German studio) is limited, it is while stocks last. In short, the original German wires were of very good quality. What Marcos has done is creatively "re-engineered" it and "recycle" it for use as interconnect and speakers cable.
If the many skeptics could accept the practice of using the original Western Electric output metal coil as raw material for making replicas Western Electric 91 (which costs HK$10,000) & 86 (HK$35,000) REPLICA amplifiers, why can't they accept the same logic of recycling the pure copper cables for use as interconnect and speaker cables? It is a matter of not having a broad mind and heart, I guess.
Upon reaching home, I immediately plugged it into my amplifiers and my 755a. The sound is fantastics with warm and lively sound, well rounded detail and not sounding too harsh or bright! There are many more expensive speakers wires out in the market, but I can say these are real value for money and one has to listen to it in order to believe, in my own opinion. Moreover, since Marcos also offer money back guarantee if one is not satisfied with its performance, I have no fear of buying! This money back guarantee reflected a deep sense of confidence in his own hand made product using nice vintage raw material.
The only set back is that the look of these cables are not very beautiful but then again, it is the sound that matter most rather then the outside appearance. I now have the Western Electric cables that is being used in Singapore, one pair of Audionote silver cable which I have bought in the past; one pair of Klangflim speaker cable, and one pair of Artist cable in Hong Kong. Since hifi is about matching, I believe the Artist cables matches well with my 755a fullrange speakers, while the mutiple wired Western Electric matches well with my LS3/5a in Singapore.
There are many audiophiles skeptics who often criticised Marcos' work and his items in Review 33 forum. However, so far my own personal contact and experience with him is concerned, I must say that I disagree with what these people has said as I have had very good experiences with Artist Hifi. For examples, the restoration of my WE KS16608 was excellent; the matching of my Fisher 50C was very resonably charged; my purchase of my Western Electric 755a speakers was a good buy, the Artist Interconnect and now the Artist speakers cables. He is very knowledgeable in hifi and straight forward in his way of conducting his business... much better then many other Sifu (both full time and part time) that I have known who has too many hidden agenda.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
New environment
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Vintage Tannoy Fever
Happy New Year 2007
2007 has finally arrived! Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
To take stock of my hifi system, over the Christamas period, I have managed to cut love my Pye HF10 & Sound Master 36 to a friend and my system has been streamlined to a very managable level consisting of:
Marantz 7 + Western Electric KS 16608 + Tannoy Cantebury & Rogers 15 ohms white belly
Hong Kong: