Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Western Electric families

After much consideration, I have finally bought the Western Electric 120a pre-amplifier to match my Western Electric 124B power amplifier & WE 755a speakers. This is like a family reunion. The real WE 120a are so rare and expensive that I have decided to look for alternative WE made by Chi Luen using genuine Western Electric transformers and parts.
The sound from the Western Electric families are so natural and smooth that can really bring out the "the emotional characteristic - the feeling of presence."
The Fisher 50C will, therefore, match the Leak TL12.1 from now onwards... Enjoy your music!

: ) Be happy!


DrRick said...

How can I contact Chi Luen?
I'd like to buy some transformers and chassis from him.

DrRick said...

How can I contact Chi Luen?
I'd like to buy some transformers and chassis from him.