Thursday, August 28, 2008

阿淘的歌 水路

After some searching, I have finally managed to find.. 阿淘 水路. Heard that 阿淘 has stopped producing CDs.
Wished he could start rcording soon...: )

Of all the 3 CDs, the 水路 CD is the most sentimental and emotional. The first CD 阿淘的歌, the recording is very real as one can hear people talking behind and laughing. The children singing CD is very cheerful and the mood is a happy one.

Overall, the 3 CDs are a must for audiophiles as the recording are superb. Even though there are no grand instruments, only vocal and light guitar, the singing and the guitar sounded very touching and the melody is simply great!

The singer 阿淘 sang for the sake of the love of music and not for can feel it from the songs...

A must for all audiophiles...and music lovers..

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