Sunday, February 07, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year! Celebrate the new year with new toys!

I have read quite a fair amount of good review on the TAD TSM 300 monitor speakers and I have the strong urge to try them.

I have always love buying speakers as different speakers have different sound characteristic and qualities and strength. Currently, I still have my Tannoy Cantebury & Western Electric 755a for listening of Orchestra music and violin music in Singapore.

In Hong Kong, owing to the severe space constraints, I have always been struggling with having the right size of speakers for my living room. I liked my previous JBL L65 but I can only placed them at the spare room which make listening not convenient and practical. Thus, the most difficult and most expensive components in the hifi setting is the size of the living room listening area!

As such, I have recently bought the last new old stock discontinued piano wood Dali Minuet speakers. I have always wanted to find a pair of TAD TSM 300 as the size would fit my living room furniture decoration as well as provide a wide enough sound stage for my living room.

Recently, I came across a pair of limited edition TAD TSM 300 (HK$15000-16000) but it was above my budget. This afternoon, I will have the opportunity to audition a pair that just been found in Japan.. Will update the listening result and the result of my hunt! Someone has once commented that Hifi is not like Wife or husband where you need to have a life long relationship~~ Hifi is just a toy ~ man's toys that bring pleasure and fun~~ ~~ There are some hifi Sifu who take hifi so seriously that it take away so much fun!

Have fun and enjoy~~ Please visit below when you are free~ Free poisoning! haha!

Review sources form the net:
  • AD TSM-300的高音号角单元是钛金属振膜的压缩式驱动结构,高频可延伸至35KHz,TAD将此高音单元的相位做了精确的调整,以保证其输出效率和音色的准确性,另外,这支高音号角使用了所谓“Acoustical Filter Assisted System Tuning”技术,将高音在号角内产生的振动用特殊导管加以吸收,避免号角效应;低音单元借助了TAD研制的无悬边线性功率响应技术,无悬边结构可消除悬边振动产生的噪声、降低失真并可承受较大功率,为了配合号角高音的发声点,低音的磁铁位置也做得很靠后,而且在高音号角的上、下各装一只6"单元形成对称的点声源布局,音箱外贴PVC材料,是防磁设计。
  • 对于发烧友来讲,最大的梦想,无疑是求得一套靓声的器材,而一套器材要靓声,理想的 喇叭自然少不了。 问世间,理想喇叭为何物?直叫无数发烧好汉一生相守。寻寻觅觅,究竟理想喇叭在哪里?爆要爆得,细要细得;配搭随意,左右逢源;还要价格合理,免得荷包羞涩的发烧 友,可望不可及,空生悲切。虽说这世上难得有十全十美的事,但总还是有少数接近完美的,TAD TSM-300扬声器就是其 中之一。 作为发烧友,George Lucas的大名肯定不陌生吧,他对音响的高要求远近闻名,他的 Skywalker Studio(天行者)更是一等一的录音室,就是这个录音室,录过Star War,录 过X-Rex,可是你知道Skywalker Studio用的是哪个监听扬声器吗? 不错,正是TAD TSM-300!看外表,它平平无奇,PVC的木纹皮,二十几磅的体重,不过却极容易配搭,个中原因自然 与它的音量控制器(High Level Control Switch)有着密切的关系。这个音量控制器有 加、正常、减三档,利用这三档调校,就可以使TAD TSM-300与或大或细的不同功率放大器 配搭默契,游刃有余。 TAD TSM-300的高低频延伸度纵深异常,低到35Hz,高到35,000Hz,张弛有道,轻松自如。 无论地动山摇、和风细雨,还是浪潮滚滚,一样应付自如。 如此卓越的效果,自然有其独到的设计。看面板上的四个小孔,那可是独特设计的低音反 射气孔。喇叭两边还各有两个特制的6寸低音单元。咀则采用A FAST-SZ技术研制,背后有 许多管状物体,可消除谐振,整体具有均衡低频的作用.至于它的价格,绝对是物超所值,如此超群的喇叭,怎不叫人心动呢?

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