Friday, September 20, 2013

Ls3/5a 的魔力

最近,我再度被古董音響所影響。一般資深音響迷大概都知道,LS3/5A的誕生是因為BBC英國國家廣播公司的外勤單位需要一個輕便好帶的小型鑑聽喇叭,因此提出需求而付諸設計。當時的時間是1970年初期,BBC的研發部門設計出這款喇叭,型號定為LS3/5A,至於生產工作便交給Rogers, Chartwell, Harbeth, Audiomaster, Ram, 等公司負責,並於1974年正式投產,展開一段長達二十多年的傳奇生涯,直到1998年才停產。由此可知,LS3/5A最初並不是因為商業考量或家庭使用而推出,完全是BBC為了方便在錄音室以外的地方錄音,而且是專門用來在近距離鑑聽人聲而設計,沒想到厚實的中頻表現廣受發燒友與音樂迷的歡迎,竟然變成商業上的大成功,這恐怕是BBC當初所始料未及的吧!對於我們來說,是一種福份!

LS3/5A的名號太過響亮,也太多人爭相收藏,因此從停產之後就出過不少復刻版,但來源不一而足,聲音各有千秋,是否真能還原傳奇之聲,恐怕有賴發燒友自己做判斷。復刻版的有 Rogers 65th anniversary, 何氏, Audio space LS3/5a 等. Stephan workshop 是最新加入的DIY 轉生產的成員。


有位師兄說玩咗HI-FI 20年了. 喇叭換完又換, 結果都是鍾情 LS3/5A ,不想再追求 HI-END, 只希望回家按一個制開了膽機, 跟著泡杯咖啡, 靜心....放心地聽音樂. 人生要求就是這麼簡單. 完全認同!


thebeathunters said...

hi francis
glad to see you're back in full vintage mode-thanks to your son! i missed your no-nonsense relaxed approach to audio gear lately. my own path somehow followed your tracks, as an iwalked the ls35a path, too (rogers 15 ohms) i probably didn't set them up properly but i found them too picky with recordings. some sounded great, some totally bland - not the rogers fault of course!
i still have my tannoy canterbury corners (very similar to yours) and always will but currently my studio set-up is mainly phono (technics sp10+schick 12" arm+DL103R), sony ta-e86b preamp, quad 303/quad IIs + quad esl57. the very early 303 series i have is just amazing with the 57, both are refurbished but un-modded) everything is there (even bass!) and so musical. i guess you already heard them but to me, that quad combo is a must and very hard to beat for a very cheap tag.
for my living-room system, i may get a very nice, first-owner pair of altec 19 by next week ;-)
hope to hread from you and once again, so glad you're back!

Francis Phua said...

Thanks for your kind words!

Space is the most expensive part of hifi. I am glad to be back with the LS3/5a I am putting much efforts in speakers placement to enhance the sound. The limitation of Ls3/5a is something I have accepted since given the space constraint, in Hk. In the end, we have to relax and enjoy the music. The quality of the recording is key as there are many lousy recording cd... Enjoy!