Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

In the hifi arena, you can see categories of hifi people. I have met the Good, i.e people who are willing to share their knowledge, share their hobby and passion as well as provide help in many ways. My hifi friend John Keong, KY belong to the first Good group.

In addition, there are the Bad who oftens criticise and impose their views onto other. In addition, they tend to be overly dominating and they have the characteristics of wanting to win all the time, and always think they are right. In addition, they are those bad sifu who uses their "magic hand" to change the original componenets when they were paid to service their clients hifi. They often "worshipped" certain sifu in order to gain recognition for the restoration works.

The 3rd categopry refers to the Ugly, people who tends to have a severe sense of jeolousy of others & their equipments. In addition, when the have failed to get a hifi equipment either in ebay or other places, they will also have the "sour grape" approach of criticising the item which they have failed to get.

In the end, many tend to forget that Hifi is a hobby and the various hifi equipments are to reproduce the music for enjoyment and it is not a world cup soccer event where there is the element of winning or losing.

Let's enjoy muisc and our hifi!

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