Sunday, October 19, 2008

Shostakovich Cds

My journey in listening to classicl music has been quite an long and yet interesting one.

I first started by listening to the popular Mozart, Beethoven and all Karajan CDs.

Lately, I have managed to know what kind of classical music I really like and what I don't really apprceiate. In doing so, I have taken the weekend to take out those classical Cds that I have bought earlier and divide them into those I like (to keep) and those I don't (to dispose).

In doing so, I hope to reduce the number of Cds and make space for the new ones that are coming. In addition, for those I really like, I have also started to hunt for the better recording (e.g. classic record gold CDs, the first edition recording or the Japanese recording, XRCD etc..)...

海丁克(Haitink)指揮倫敦愛樂樂團(London Philharmonic Orchestra)演奏的肖斯塔科維奇(Shostakovich)《第7『列寧格勒』交響曲》(Symphony No.7 Leningrad)直截了當,在慢樂章中有很強的情感張力,而他與阿姆斯特丹皇家音樂會堂樂團(Amsterdam Concertgebouw)合作的《第12交響曲》(Symphony No.12 In D Minor Op.112 "1917 ")以卓越的音質和極好的反應能力打動了許多聽眾,Decca的錄音相當輝煌! CD 碟印有Made in West Germany 西德压片,大銀圈(銀圈到边至孔心)。Haitink 海丁克 - 指挥, London Philharmonic Orchestra 伦敦爱乐乐团, Amsterdam Concertgebouw 阿姆斯特丹会堂乐团
海丁克(Haitink)指揮倫敦愛樂樂團(London Philharmonic Orchestra)演奏的肖斯塔科維奇(Shostakovich)《第2『十月革命』交響曲》(Symphony No.2)的演繹極好,錄音的均衡感出色,音質真切有形,《第3交響曲》(Symphony No.3)雖不屬於肖斯塔科維奇交響曲中最完美的作品,但海丁克的演奏首屈一指,值得收藏,《企鵝唱片指南》評為三星! CD 碟印有Made in West Germany 西德压片,大銀圈(銀圈到边至孔心)。 Haitink 海丁克 - 指挥, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Choir 伦敦爱乐乐团及合唱团

海丁克(Haitink)指揮倫敦愛樂樂團(London Philharmonic Orchestra)演奏的肖斯塔科維奇(Shostakovich)《第1交響曲》(Symphony No.1 In F Minor)的演繹是強有力的,演奏很好,有一種凝聚力,而《第9交響曲》(Symphony No.9 In E Flat aMajor, Op.70 )的演奏同樣優秀,不事誇張的海丁克使它具有一種嚴肅性,Decca的錄音無可挑剔,《企鵝唱片指南》推薦為三星! CD 碟印有Made in West Germany 西德压片,大銀圈(銀圈到边至孔心)。 Haitink 海丁克 - 指挥, London Philharmonic Orchestra 伦敦爱乐乐团
CD 碟印有Made in West Germany 西德压片,大銀圈(銀圈到边至孔心)。 Haitink 海丁克 - 指挥 Amsterdam Concertgebouw 阿姆斯特丹会堂乐团

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